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Warrior Nutrition & Supplementation - The Art of Eating for Performance and Health

Introducing the Most Effective Body Recomposition Plan Ever Created…
Warrior Nutrition Fat Loss Before Photo
Warrior Nutrition Fat Loss After Photo

They say it’s physically impossible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. And they were right… until now. The Warrior Nutrition .


Program makes this possibility a reality by presenting an alternative approach, based on millions of years of evolution, that goes against EVERYTHING you’ve ever learned or believed to be true about nutrition.


Your body was designed for and adapted to a certain style and pattern of eating that has nothing in common with what most people do today. When you ignore this and follow standard diet advice you end up fatter, smaller and sicker. Statistics show our hunter-gatherer ancestors to have had significantly more muscle and less body-fat than the average person does today. There were also fewer chronic diseases like those so prevalent nowadays. Before you can worry about fat loss, muscle gain or enhanced performance you’ve got to get healthy first. Once you get healthy everything else falls into place.


To gain muscle without the fat, or get ripped while keeping your hard earned size, you’ve got to unlearn all you’ve been taught about “healthy eating” and “proper nutrition” and embrace the ways of The Warrior Nutrition Program. The future of high performance nutrition has arrived.

Warrior Nutrition Fat Loss Before Photo
Warrior Nutrition Fat Loss After Photo
The Warrior Nutrition Program Is Designed To:


  • Change your current eating plan so it stops turning you into a fat storing machine.


  • Exclude breakfast and show you why breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day.


  • Change traditional rules of meal frequency which is making you fatter and sicker.


  • Fix low testosterone and elevated estrogen levels.


  • Use carbs to help you get ripped.


  • Use protein consumption properly. If used the wrong way, protein can actually cause you to gain body-fat.


  • Include techniques to do immediately before training to dramatically enhance the rate at which you burn fat.


  • Eliminate most complex carbs and “whole grains” which are making you fatter and sicker.


  • Calculate your daily caloric requirements accordingly. You may not need as many calories or as much protein as you thought to build muscle.


  • Speed up your recovery between workouts.


  • Eliminate certain “health foods” which are some of the worst substances you can put in your body.


  • Naturally optimize insulin, growth hormone, IGF and leptin for the fastest results in body transformation.


  • Time you meals in precise order to eat your biggest meal in for the best results.


  • Time eating carbs and when to avoid them like the plague.


  • Show you why you may have adrenal fatigue and what to do about it.


  • Strengthen your immune system.


  • Limit fruit and show you why eating 5-7 servings of fruit all day is great… if you want to get fat.


  • Get you ripped like the models of the classic Greek statues.


  • Include five essential supplements which can make a big difference in your health and appearance.


  • Dramatically improve protein assimilation. It’s not how much you eat but how much you utilize.


  • Eat whatever you want… and end up looking better as a result

Warrior Nutrition Fat Loss, Muscle Building
Warrior Nutrition Fat Loss, Muscle Building
Frequently Asked Questions: 


Q: Is This Nutrition Program Just For Fat Loss or Can I Use it To Gain Muscle?

That’s one of the biggest benefits of The Warrior Nutrition Program; it allows you to gain muscle without getting fat in the process. It’s quite simply the most effective lean mass building diet plan you can follow. 


Q: Do I Need to Buy Any Special Supplements for This to Work?

No, you don’t. That being said I do make recommendations of a few powerful supplements that can only serve to enhance the effects of the diet. But they are by no means required. It’s up to you.


Q: Can This Work for Vegetarians?


Q: Does This Diet Work for Females?
Yes, indeed. The Warrior Nutrition Program works equally well for both men and women. 


Q: Is This a Low Carb Diet?
Not necessarily. You are encouraged to eat a large amount of vegetables on a daily basis along with a small amount of fruit. Daily carb intake will be based on your body fat levels and your goals. If you are aiming to lose fat you’ll be eating fewer carbs while those looking to gain muscle will be eating more carbs. 


Q: Is This a Low Carb Diet?
Not necessarily. You are encouraged to eat a large amount of vegetables on a daily basis along with a small amount of fruit. Daily carb intake will be based on your bodyfat levels and your goals. If you are aiming to lose fat you’ll be eating fewer carbs while those looking to gain muscle will be eating more carbs. 


Q: Is The Warrior Nutrition Program hard to follow?
Not even the slightest bit. This it by far the easiest diet plan you can follow. It truly gives you freedom and removes the stress and inconvenience involved with most other eating plans.


Q: Do I Ever Get to Eat Junk Food or Cheat Meals on The Warrior Nutrition Program?
Yes. One of the greatest aspects is that it allows you to still enjoy your favorite foods like pizza, pasta, fully loaded burgers, beer and ice cream occasionally, without turning into a fat whale and ruining your whole diet in the process. The Warrior Nutrition Program is very forgiving and allows more leeway than most traditional eating plans.


Q: How Long Do I Stay On The Warrior Nutrition Program For?
This isn’t some fad eating plan or short term gimmick. It’s a way of eating based on millions of years of evolution and works with your body’s natural chemistry. After experiencing The Warrior Nutrition Program, you will forget about quick fixes forever and embrace this as a permanent way of life.


Q: How Soon Can I Expect to See Results?
Most people will notice visible fat loss within their first week on the diet. Within two weeks everyone will notice improved energy and mental clarity and focus early in the day. Muscle gain is typically a slower process than fat loss so gains won’t typically come as rapidly but you will notice the ability to gain size without putting on additional fat as is usually the case. 

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