Dedicated To The Relentless Pursuit Of Physical, Mental & Spiritual Excellence
Benefits of Mixed Martial Arts Training
Mixed Martial Arts is a GREAT FULL BODY WORKOUT With A Purpose!
Training sessions will boost your metabolism to shred fat, help build lean muscle mass, increase your flexibility, and keep you youthful and healthy.
Make no mistake about it, training at King of the Ring Martial Arts is an ultra-potent highly effective workout that, with proper nutrition, is very capable of building an impressive, healthy and attractive fit looking physique.
Replace that FLAB with MUSCLE and make your body feel “young” again!
You be delighted and thrilled with your leaner, more flexible, more agile, and more athletic body.
Not only that, you’ll enjoy the other benefits that mixed martial arts give you, being skilled in self-defense, confidence, and a whole lot more.
Here's Your Chance To Become A Fit, Lean, Formidable, Fearless, Fightin' Machine!
Have you ever had this feeling?
It’s the one you get deep down inside when:
You wonder what you would do if you were ever attacked
You think about how much weight you want to lose and get in shape
You wish you had something in your life that you did just for you
King of the Ring Martial Arts training will help you get in shape, lose weight and relieve stress - all while learning valuable self-defence skills so you can be secure in your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones if you were ever confronted by an attacker.
There are a lot of people who would love to be BOTH FIT and ABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES IN A REAL LIFE SELF DEFENSE SITUATION but wouldn't know the best way to go about it.
"Why Not Toughen Up And Get In KNOCKOUT Shape At The Same Time?"
You will gain a Leaner, More Muscular Body with Some Fighting Skills to Back it Up!
Now you can experience the fantastic fitness level, confidence, power, security and respect that comes from practicing the Martial Arts. I take you from a brand new beginner and give you everything you need to hone your body into a lean, mean, fightin' machine.
Many people don't know that the Martial Arts instills within students a lot more than the ability to defend themselves. It also creates confidence in oneself. There's something empowering about knowing you have the ability to protect yourself if the need arises. Martial Arts training also helps students develop a habit of accountability, discipline, a way to release negative feelings and relieve stress, learn respect for others, and the list goes on and on.
My Training Programs Will Help You Achieve An Excellent Physique
and Attributes of a Jacked Up Fighter With Skills To Back It Up!
I have students from all walks of life from professional athletes, business executives, lawyers, doctors, stay-at-home moms, students and just about every other occupation you could imagine. Most of them are probably a lot like you, just normal people looking for a way to improve their quality of life through Martial Arts training with absolutely no desire to fight in the ring or cage but rather wanting to be in fighting fit condition like the Muay Thai and MMA fighters with battle tested functional self defense skills for personal protection on the street.
At King of the Ring Martial Arts, I strive to create a BEGINNER FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT. People who are brand new to Martial Arts can feel confident that they will "fit in" and feel right at home in my friendly training atmosphere.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced martial artist in some other style, you will get great benefits training and feel welcome in my friendly training environment.